Hope 2 Oban

Friday, 28 June 2013

2013 Hope 2 Oban Award Presented

At the recent Oban High School prizegiving at the Argyllshire Gathering Halls, S6 student Christie McKechnie became the recipient of the 2013 Hope 2 Oban Award. The award is presented as recognition of service to others in the Oban High School Community. Throughout the academic year, Christie has been responsible for supporting and mentoring younger members of the Oban High School netball team and was recommended for the award by members of the OHS sports and guidance staff.

Glencruitten Hostel Pupils Welcome the Neighbours

It's June, so it must be time for the young folks and staff from Glencruitten Hostel to spend quality time with their Glencruitten neighbours. The event included time spent eating together,  (and what a BBQ spread! Many thanks to the hostel catering team), dancing together and playing together, particularly with one of the toughest (what a fib) 51 question quizzes ever undertaken.
The bi-annual events are seen as an informal way for the young folk from the islands to meet with their weekday neighbours and visa-versa. The atmosphere is one of fun with folks from 3 - 73 or thereabouts attending. We are particularly grateful to former hostel resident Murray Willis and former OHS student Ewan Macdonald for their superb Scottish music, creating the ideal setting for those who could to have a jolly good dance.

Stramash Leadership Training #2 with Glencruitten Hostel

Round 2 of leadership training took place at Ganavan recently, with our 4 interpid trainees from sixth year braving the waves under the watchful eye of Stramash trainer Gordon Smith and H2O folks Ruth Sunderland and Ewen Munro.
The merry band made their way along and in and out of the coast, pausing for instructions, resting for reflection and scurrying in the salty surf, mainly to avoid awfully sharp barnacles. Highlights included some beautiful bellyflops into the crashing waves and magnificent swallow-steps from a great height.
As previously intimated, these young leaders will use their newly honed leadership skills alongside S1 and S2 pupils, supported by Stramash, after the summer break through a series of four sessions.
Many thanks go to Gordon for his wise words and direction over the past two weeks.

GFG and Xplore discover Kerrera together

The hills were alive with the sound of music, well the music of Queen, the rustle of BBQ and the dull cries of 'Wavo' as GFg and Xplore, our midweek faith exploration groups joined for an adventure on our bonny local island of Kerrera.
The aim of the time together was to have fun, and there's nothing quite like a burst of Bohemian Rhapsody together to help to achieve that aim. Add to that delicious burgers and a game of the soon-to-become famous Wavo (hide and seek) and you have a recipe for a good time.
Kerrera marked almost the end of the midweek group season, with our Lord of the Rings through the night coming soon to finish us off (in so many ways) for the summer break.
A BIG thank you to Captain Matheson for transportation to and from the lovely land that is Kerrera. A wee gem on our doorstep.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Stramash leadership training at Sutherlands Grove (or Midge Wars! as we know it)

In advance of post-summer outdoor activity sessions with S1 and S2 hostel pupils, four S6 students from Glencruitten Hostel recently began a two-sessions series of leadership training evenings coordinated by H2O and run by Stramash. Sutherlands Grove was the location for the first of these sessions and as can be seen from above, the presence of the infamous west-coast midge made the whole event a little more sinister in appearance than is usual. (no midge net, you pay the price!!)
The four be-hooded ones were very quickly coached on the notion of 'team' through a series of challenges and experiences, constantly reviewing and reflecting on their actions and the activities they were involved in. The transfer of 'dragons eggs' and crossing the 'lava lake' added to the sense of adventure for the team. 
The main challenge for the evening was the blindfold night-line, with each taking a turn to lead the group and communicate the challenges ahead to the others. 
Watch this space for an update on the next leadership training night, as the team plan to take on the challenges of Coasteering at nearby Ganavan, with a view to all four taking on leadership roles after the summer break. 
This series of activities have been made possible through funding received by H2O through 'Children in Need'.

'Getting to know you' time with the H2O Youth Workers and future S1 pupils.

 It's almost that time when the 'big ones' at local primaries become the 'new ones' at Oban High School. With this in mind, the recent Oban High School transitions days provided the ideal opportunity for around 150 'new ones' to start to find their way around the corridors and classrooms of the high school, ably assisted by their newly appointed S6 prefect helpers.
The 3 days of 'transitions' activities also were an ideal opportunity for Rachel and Ewen to introduce themselves, around the classrooms, in the canteen and during a transitions activity day, where the youth workers provided a craft-making opportunity for groups of twenty pupils at a time.
After much frantic action, origami birds were accompanied by 'alter egos' made from plastacine. Quite scary eh? But, great fun to make, and a superb forum to have some good chat with the soon-to-be Oban High School S1's.