Hope 2 Oban

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

'Getting to know you' time with the H2O Youth Workers and future S1 pupils.

 It's almost that time when the 'big ones' at local primaries become the 'new ones' at Oban High School. With this in mind, the recent Oban High School transitions days provided the ideal opportunity for around 150 'new ones' to start to find their way around the corridors and classrooms of the high school, ably assisted by their newly appointed S6 prefect helpers.
The 3 days of 'transitions' activities also were an ideal opportunity for Rachel and Ewen to introduce themselves, around the classrooms, in the canteen and during a transitions activity day, where the youth workers provided a craft-making opportunity for groups of twenty pupils at a time.
After much frantic action, origami birds were accompanied by 'alter egos' made from plastacine. Quite scary eh? But, great fun to make, and a superb forum to have some good chat with the soon-to-be Oban High School S1's.