Hope 2 Oban

Friday, 28 June 2013

Glencruitten Hostel Pupils Welcome the Neighbours

It's June, so it must be time for the young folks and staff from Glencruitten Hostel to spend quality time with their Glencruitten neighbours. The event included time spent eating together,  (and what a BBQ spread! Many thanks to the hostel catering team), dancing together and playing together, particularly with one of the toughest (what a fib) 51 question quizzes ever undertaken.
The bi-annual events are seen as an informal way for the young folk from the islands to meet with their weekday neighbours and visa-versa. The atmosphere is one of fun with folks from 3 - 73 or thereabouts attending. We are particularly grateful to former hostel resident Murray Willis and former OHS student Ewan Macdonald for their superb Scottish music, creating the ideal setting for those who could to have a jolly good dance.