Hope 2 Oban

Friday, 27 February 2015

Conversation Cafe Premiere with Hope 2 Oban

Take one very classy Chocolate Shop Cafe, twenty-something young folk, hot drinks and cake! What have you got? The ideal setting for a Conversation Cafe!
Hope 2 Oban recently held its first Conversation Cafe within a wee trial run of two, whereby senior students from Oban High School were invited along to have a chat around, on this occasion, the topics of 'Social Media' and' What makes you happy?'.
What did the chocolate fans think? It was all good, with the chat going on for well over an hour and a gentle buzz of conversation hanging in the air in between satisfied sips of a variety of coffee and chocolate drinks.
We plan to gather again next month after which we'll have a wee review with the conversationalists and work out the way forward. For now, a very big thank you to Stuart and Helen at the Oban Chocolate Company for kindly hosting our two pilot events.
Here's to the next mocha! 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

One day......Zooom!-vs-Oban Camera Club!

Yes folks, another closely fought photo battle, with Zoooom! yet again coming a close second to Oban Camera Club. Twenty-five shots from each group, well juggled together gave judge Stephen Lawson the unenviable task of marking the pics. In the end, and after some very welcome tea and delicious cakes, the scores for each club were added and the more mature members from the room came out victors. 
As in previous years, best photo from a member of Zoooom! was chosen and this year's winner was Dionne Gilbride for her picture entitled 'Leaf an Impression'. Well done Dionne, and well done to all our Zoooomers! for some pretty special pictures all round. 
A great big thank you to OCC for hosting this year's event. Here's to next time!

OHS Students Explore Perspectives on Faith

 Senior pupils from Oban High School recently took part in the annual Faith Perspectives conference at SAMS in Dunstaffnage by Oban. Each student spent group time with guest speakers from around Scotland considering faith and belief from Baha'i, Christian, Humanist, Muslim and Interfaith perspectives. The conference was planned and delivered by Hope 2 Oban in conjunction with Oban High School RMPS staff and pupils, with a special thank you to Jack McInnes for his sterling work in helping with the organising.
Thanks also must go to our workshop hosts, OHS Staff and the team at SAMS for all their assistance in bringing the event together.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Powerpoint Edinburgh! Living Free

'Powerpoint' the event - central Edinburgh the place. 
10 intrepid young(ish - Ewen!) explorers made their way to the Central Hall at Tollcross to worship Jesus with around 300 others and to hear powerful Bible message from Rachel Gardner of Luton-based Romance Academy.
Living free in purity was the 'valentines' theme shared by Rachel.
Following our fun evening, the team headed back along the M9 towards Linlithgow, via the eternal MacDonalds, to St John's Church who had invited us to 'lock-in' overnight, before our return to Oban the next day - via some great big metal horses in Falkirk!
BIG thank you to Lorna and the folks at St. John's for their hall and hospitality.
Next Powerpoint - Glasgow in April!