Hope 2 Oban

Friday, 26 April 2013

There's been a 'murrdurr' at Xplore!

Taking a wee bit of time out from the current Alpha sessions, Xplore recently travelled to the world of Glencruitten House for a Murder/Mystery dinner.
Some extremely questionable characters turned up for the event including Salvador Dilly-Dally, Mae Vest and, well they were all a bit of a mystery!
Accompanied by a delicious dinner, the flamboyant fiends trawled through the 'facts' investigating each others' dodgy dealings and doings, until finally, after many accents and much finger-pointing, the murderer emerged. (da-da-daaaaaaaaa!)
BUT - we really can't spill the lasagne on this one just in case Taggart hears about it!
Thanks to all who took part and to the masterful chefs for a delicious meal. Next for Xplore.....Xplore Xtra with the Ardrishaig folks coming very soon!

Mystery guests masked at Glencruitten Hostel!

Ewen and Ruth from Hope 2 Oban had a lot of fun recently with the young folk from Glencruitten Hostel, weekday home for OHS pupils from the Inner Hebridean islands. It was time to cover up and create craft masks from Modroc.
Messy but fun is probably the best way to describe this 'activity' and once underway, the first ones to volunteer their faces became the first to plaster others.
Our next task when all volunteers have come forward, the masks are completed and dried, will be to paint the faces and create something wonderful through combining them all. End results could be scary, but fun!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Zoooom!-ing around the island of Luing

Once again, an intrepid band of Zoooomers!have been out and about clicking away, this time on Luing, a stonesthrow from Oban, (but feels like the middle of nowhere).
With an early start, the group made it on to Luing for 9am, meeting up with other Zoooomers! who live on  the island. Our trek began with a 'shortcut' to Cullipool, past slate mines and new-born lambs. After a welcome cuppa and cake with friends, we zoomed on to Fladda and beyond, with the promise of an old wreck (no, neither of the leaders!) and lunch.

On returning to Fladda, it was time for a visit to another friend for afternoon scones and a wee cuppa, followed by the final hike back to the ferry for 4pm. 
All in all a splendid time was had, and we must thank Fiona and Rachel for the wonderful morning chocolate cakes and Linda for tremendous afternoon scones. A big thanks also to Cameron Harris for his time and expertise.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Xplore Xtra celebrate Easter in Dunoon

The most recent Easter Xplore Xtra was held on Good Friday in Dunoon, with the Dunooners being joined by Luingers and Obaners. Food, fun and fellowship combined with music, drama and times of reflection as the gathering explored aspects of Easter and the power and centrality of Jesus' death and resurrection.
It was fun and we are now looking forward to our next two times of coming together - Ardrishaig end of April and Luing - end of May.