Vimy Ridge Monument |
H2O youth worker Ewen Munro recently had the privilege for joining Oban High School's 11th Oban Pals Battalion on a life-chaning visit to Belgium, France and Canada.
The group of forty pupils and four staff were guide through the battlefields around the north and south of Ypres and the Somme by knowledgable tour guide Nicola and driver extraordinaire Paul.
Time around the Somme included visits to 'Canada' at Newfoundland Park, Beaumont Hammel, and the magnificent Vimy Ridge monument.
True life-stories from the trenches including that of the youngest and oldest soldiers, the brothers, the father and son, all making the ultimate sacrifice, all leaving loved ones at home.
The 11th Oban Pals were asked rhetorically, "how long should we remember?" and by the end of the experience all had a deeper understanding of just how important a question that is.
Hill 62 Pill Box |
Menin Gate Memorial |
Brave 9 inside Hill 62 Pill Box |