Hope 2 Oban

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

POWERPOINT - Glasgow's Christian Youth Event

With over 200 young folk attending, H2O's first visit to the POWERPOINT Christian youth event in Glasgow was quite exciting. With games, worship music and a bit of a chat, a great time was had by all, with Oban getting the big shout out for the distance traveled.
POWERPOINT was one of our opportunities to 'check out' the Christian scene for young people as H2O continues to explore the notion of H2O, young people and church. 

THANK YOU - What a lot of cake!

Yes, it is a big thank you to the members of the local Argyll College Administration Course who chose H2O as their event project.
The team decided that to raise awareness of and funds for H2O would be a good thing (we agree!)
The group planned, marketed, delivered and evaluated the event from start to finish, raising over £300 towards H2O funds. Local advertising has helped to raise awareness of our work. On the day, an astounding amount of baking had taken place and the items available for the auction, all sourced by the team, were impressive and certainly created a stir at auction time.
Once again, many thanks to folks for all their hard work.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Another Year....Lock-in Number 10

Take one Leisure Centre, add a splendid team of volunteers, youth workers and sports coaches. Arrange sports, crafts, swimming, a large-screen cinema, dancing, gym-time, a large soft play and occasional food and drink. Finally, install over 150 young people around 12 years of age.
Question - what have you got?
ANSWER - you have an H2O, S1 Locki-in at Atlantis!
And we are very pleased to note that a splendid time was had by all at this, the tenth such event organised and facilitated by Hope 2 Oban.
We would like to thank ALL the young people who took part, ALL the volunteers and workers who helped throughout the ten hour event and ALL the local businesses who supported us through the donating of food and drink. - THANK YOU!