Hope 2 Oban

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

A Deeply Impacting Time for All

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party Quiz Team
Not so long ago, in a snowy land that felt to be far, far away (or Aviemore as it's known), five set off from Oban to Deep Impact 2013, the annual conference for Christian children's and youth workers and volunteers. What an inspiring, challenging and fun time was had by all. (including the Saturday night quiz - see the team of 'hatters above!)
Times of worship and teaching, workshops to equip and inspire, prayer times to challenge all for the young folk of Scotland and hospitality to fuel the times of chat with friends old and new.
All over a fab time, so if you're involved in children's and youth work at all, the team from H2O say 'YES!' Get yourself along to Deep Impact 2014. (details at http://www.deep-impact.org.uk/)

Friday, 18 January 2013

New Year - Hope 2 Oban take time out to explore future possibilities

At the beginning of a new year it's often good to set some time aside, to reflect on the past, consider where you are at and just where you might head in the future.
Folks connected to H2O recently took time out to do just that, and did so with the assistance of Paul Beautyman, C of S Youth Advisor for Argyll.
Entitled 'Thriving not Surviving', through the story of Elijah, Paul highlighted connections between the Old Testament prophet's experiences and the journey of H2O, consistantly encouraging those gathered towards encountering questions raised by the prophet's journey.
With good food and good company, the gathering took time to ponder and pray, as Hope 2 Oban look to future youth work developments in Oban and the surrounding area.