Hope 2 Oban

Saturday, 24 November 2012

ARGYLL - Zoooom!'s Exhibition Open Evening Gets Great Exposure

 What a splendid evening was had by the Zooomers! with a plethora of guests attending the exhibition open evening of ARGYLL - Awesome, Rural Gateway, Youthful Land of Light.
 Invited guests included friends and family, H2O volunteers, Zoooom! supporters, local Councillors, the press and members of local camera clubs. The gathering were treated to a range of photographic styles, a presentation of the story of Zoooom! all accompanied by refreshements kindly donated by a local Zoooom! supporter.
 A great big thank you to all involved in putting the exhibition together including the Zoooomers! themselves and particularly H2O volunteer Cameron Harris.
 The Exhibition continues at The Well on Saturday 24th November and Monday 26th November, 10am - 3pm. All visitors very welcome with the opportunity to purchase mounted prints.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

GFG crack the story of Ruth and Naomi

Ruth and 'Naomi' ponder life!
The 'workers' wisper some nonsense to Boaz about Ruth!
Over the last two weeks, members of GFG have been discovering more from the Old Testament about the story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi. This story of friendship, love and relationships was dramatically re-lived by some of the group with the others providing an appreciative audience.
Working at relationships in a team was also crucial for the group as they worked together to create egg-protection systems earlier in the evening. Their results were tested from a great height, resulting in team 3 squeazing a victory for their creative parachute-making skills. GFG will be moving on to look at Samuael over the next couple of weeks.
Egg Protection System Testing

Monday, 12 November 2012

Special but Solemn Times of Remembrance

On Friday past Oban High School pupils set time aside to remember those who had made sacrifices for others in times of conflict. Pupils from last June's WW1 Battlefields Trip to Belgium and France shared thoughts on their experiences from the trip. The pupils were supported by Ewen Munro and Rev. James Beaton of the school Chaplaincy Team, as well as pupil members of the Air, Sea and Army Cadets. Invited guests from the British Legion joined the high school in 2 minutes silence, followed by  the laying of a wreathe on the school's memorial board. Throughout the week leading to the Friday, the OHS Chaplaincy team had hosted Chaplaincy Assembly week based on the theme 'Remember', using memorable film clips from the film 'Up' and from Poppy Scotland.
'Well done and thank you' from all on the chaplaincy team to all pupils and staff who took part in the Time of Remembrance.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Sparkle, Dance and Games as GFG Part-ay

The Tent of Chat!
It was Sparkle party night recently at GFG, with loads of fun, games and food. Time was taken in 'the tent of chat' to have a 'chat' around the meaning of Halloween and exploring different perspectives on views and opinions as to its significance.
Games, games, games

As the evening moved on 3 teams were challenged to create their very own 'Sparkle People' which produced some extremely creative results. Games included apples, water, dohnuts and lots and lots of dancing.
Sparkle People!