Hope 2 Oban

Monday, 20 September 2010

Windswept and interesting through-the-night Nooma event with Xplore!

Nooma dvd discussion starters around the Christian faith have been ever-popular with the Thursday night group, Xplore. So, when some bright-spark had the great idea of watching all 24 in a row, group members thought 'what a splendid idea'! Well, eight of them did. Each dvd was given a vote on both the Clapometer... ' Polite Clapping', 'Moderate Clapping', 'Enthusiastic Clapping' and 'Ecstatic Clapping'....as well as a ponder on the'Nooma-ometer'....Did the dvd hardly make you think? Did it make you twitch uncomfortably? Did a light go on in your pondering processes? Did it go straight to the heart?
Nooma-watching (around themes such as forgiveness, love, choices, God's plan... and many more) was combined with crafty soap carving, glass and mug-painting as well as copious amounts of pizza and bacon and eggs for breakfast!
Rachel and Ewen would like to give a great big thank you to all who took part, particularly Hannah and Michael from Tobermory as well as through-the-night H2O volunteers Ruth, Roy, Cameron and Andy.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

SSC strikes again!

The summer may be almost over, but the fun and frolics of the SSC continue throughout the year!
The SSC 'Seniors', young folk of S5 and above from all over Scotland gathered at Bonaly Scout Camp in Edinburgh for a weekend of fun and adventure.
From Extreme Cake-baking to Reservoir Rambling, there was something for everyone. Ewen Munro joined 30 'Campers' and 'Officers' from Argyll, Highland, Fife, Glasgow and Edinburgh for this fun-packed if not slightly tiring weekend.
Next on the H2O/ SSC calendar will be the increasingly-popular Argyll area weekends to Perthshire in October and Tobermory in February 2011! Brrrrrrr! Quite a thought!

Smile Please! - New Zoooom H2O Camera Club Focuses on the Future

Ther first gathering of talented young photographers met recently at The Well as 'Zoooom!', the new H2O Camera Club.
Over the coming weeks and months, the group will embark on adventurous outings locally and further afield as well as dig in to the depths of cameras, composition, lighting and flash, still life and portraits. Zoooom! will also be exploring the world of photo enhancement and adjustment.
All rather exciting!!
Watch this space for updates and some rather stunning photo work.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Xplore.... the journey continues

Thursdays haven't been the same through the summer period without the weekly H2O gathering with the Xplorers. Restarted in early September, the food, faith and chat space for S5 and S6 students continues to provide a relaxed and informal space to discover more about each others thoughts, beliefs and culinary skills.
Gatherings are fun, creative, honest and often surprising. Nooma dvd's (10-15 minutes presented by Pastor Rob Bell) have proved to be great discussion starters, so much so that plans are afoot to spend a through-the-night session watching all 24 of these ! Well if that doesn't get us all thinking and chatting (and snoozing!), nothing will!

...and the fun for the new term begins at GFG!!

Games, Food and God, better known as GFG is back on Tuesday evenings at The Well. The new term has kicked off with the usual enthusiasm and excitement (and lashings of Pizza and Pop!)
As well as a plethora of down-right silly games, the group (around 8 - 14 P7's -S3's) were given the opportunity to note down questions they would ask God and questions they would ask about God! Some very interesting thoughts and questions were noted, suggesting that an investigation of the Christian faith might be helpful, hence the group are soon to embark on Youth Alpha, an exploration of the basics Christianity.
Watch this space for GFG updates as the term goes on!