Hope 2 Oban

Sunday, 27 June 2010

The very last FRENZY!

H2O took 50 young people and adults to the very last Frenzy Christian rock festival held at Ingliston on Saturday 12th June.Music by international bands such as Hillsong United and The Band With No Name met the approval of the young ‘uns and deafened the ‘oldies’.
It was a fantastic opportunity to meet up with thousands of teenagers from throughout Scotland to enjoy Christian fellowship, music, fairground rides and chilling out before returning home exhausted in the early hours of Sunday morning.

H2O FUND- RAISING CHALLENGE Inverness to Fort William

A hardy bunch of H2O supporters rose to the challenge of cycling and canoeing across Scotland – COAST-TO COAST, Inverness to Fort William. Pictured setting off from the harbour at Inverness were Gregor Clunie, Scott Matheson, Graeme Bruce, Dave Bleazard, Roy & Liz Clunie, Richard Hess, Rob Merriam, Neil Matheson, and Andy Trafford. The logistics were supplied by a magnificent support team of Lachie Beaton, Murdoch Gatward, Ewen Munro and DM Matheson.
The team cycled to Fort Augustus via the east side of Loch Ness on day 1 staying at the Stravaigers hostel overnight where a superb meal prepared by master chef DM was eagerly devoured. Day 2 saw a challenging off-road cycle to Gairlochy where the canoes were launched on the River Lochy to take us to our final destination. Joining us on this section were Lachie Beaton and Frances Trafford.
A total of over 100km of cycling and 10km of canoeing were clocked up on what was a superb weekend of fund-raising and fellowship and tender backsides! It is hoped the event will raise £2,500 for H2O. Till the next time . .

It's been a while - but the Blog is back! - WWD 2010

The Wacky, Wet & Dry outdoor activities event at Kilbowie was organized by H20 on 15 May, with two OHS pupils, Katie Sims and Danielle Thompson, fulfilling the co-ordinators’ roles. Participants enjoyed ski-ing, sailing, orienteering and took part in the crystal maze team challenges over the day - finishing off with a healthy burger and ice cream courtesy of John MacPherson. So, many thanks to John (who also led our skiing sessions), Kilbowie Centre, Andy Trafford, the SSC team of Niall Robertson, Steve Hughes & Euan Graham.