Hope 2 Oban

Monday, 22 June 2009

Hot on the heels of Frenzy - The Highland Festival @ Fort William

Just a week on from the extravaganza that is Frenzy, more excitement for the TNT group who ventured to Fort William to take part in the Highland Festival Christian youth event.
Music and extreme sports were the order of the day, with 'Superhero' providing their very special brand of live music.
Skaters and Bikers provided entertainment and challenges to all who came along with a spectacular daring bike jump over, was it 15?, intrepid volunteers.
Testimony and the Gospel message was shared by Andrew Palau

Over 50 from the Oban area go wild at 'Frenzy 09'

Organised by H2O, an excited group of young and not-so-young folk embarked on the annual minibus pilgrimage from North Argyll to 'Frenzy', the 10-hour Christian music festival, held on 6th June at Ingliston showground on the outskirts of Edinburgh.
All were entranced by the rythm and the beats of the bands including Third Day, David Crowder and The Band With No Name, all bands and artists who build their foundation on the Gospel message of Jesus.

3rd June '09 - S6 Students win this year's H2O Award

This year's H2O Award has been won jointly by three S6 Students, Lauren Lind, Ruth Carson and Robert Robertson. All three have consistantly served the elderly at weekly gatherings of Club H2O throughout the 2008/2009 academic term. The awarding of the prize was H2O's way of saying a big thank you for the commitment shown by all three.
Pictured above are Lauren and Ruth with the H2O youth workers, Denise, Ewen and Rachel at the Oban High School Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday 3rd June. (unfortunately, Robert was unable to attend)