Hope 2 Oban

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Lord of the Rings at The Well - GFG and Xplore - Extended and through the night

It's true - we are mad! GFG and Xplore recently joined forces for a 12 hour marathon of the extended versions of the Lord of the Rings film trilogy. And as you can see from above, some got more into the mood than others (still not sure what Ewen is dressed as!)
Much film-watching was accompanied by snacks, hot drinks and after the briefest of snoozes, a hot breakfast. By that point the gathering were all Hobbited out and a little Gimlied, not to say over-Golummed!
So, that's it for this term. 'Summer' is upon us and we are now looking forward to the end of August when our intention is to start to meet up again as GFG (S1-S3) and Xplore (S4 and S5) on Tuesdays and the newly-formed DeKanwiz on Thursdays (S6 and above).