Hope 2 Oban

Sunday, 26 June 2011

H2O joins 10th Oban Pals on the WW1 Battlefields

H2O Youth Worker, Ewen Munro, has recently had the privelege of joining Oban High School pupils and staff, as the 10th Oban Pals Battalion on the school trip to explore the WW1 battlefields in Belgium and France. For three intensive days, the forty pupils and four staff spent time discovering very human, often tragic, stories about soldiers in the Ypres and Somme areas during the first world war.
The visit culminated in attendance at the Menin Gate time of remembrance, where the group also held their own unique time of remembrance. Big thanks go to Lizzie, our tour guide for bringing the whole experience to life and to Andrew, our star driver for the trip.